
It was business as usual that Monday afternoon in May. I was going to Arlington Animal Services to pick up a pug for DFW Pug Rescue, bailing a four-year-old male out of jail and driving him to the rescue’s designated clinic to be examined and processed into the system. It was pouring rain, and I was the only guest in the shelter. I went to the desk and requested the dog by his identification number. At that point, it stopped being “business as usual.”

The kennel worker entered the meet and greet room with a wiggly, chubby, fawn pug, who immediately relieved herself in a corner and made it quite evident that she was a girl! She was a beautiful, older female with gray cheeks and a cute little under bite. Gender, age or condition were of no consequence since DFW Pug Rescue does not discriminate and I was just doing my job, so I proceeded to the desk and began filling out paperwork to take her for rescue. But wait! They found a microchip in her, and her stray hold had to be extended until Friday. I jotted that down on my calendar and drove home with no dog.

By this time, I had named her Snafu, and I spent the rest of the week thinking about her. I was first in line when Snafu became available that Friday afternoon, but now others were waiting to meet her, too. I must have been more smitten than I realized, because I was determined that Snafu was leaving the shelter that afternoon with me, and I was adopting her. I paced the floor, waiting for the results of her heartworm test, and my heart sank when the walkie-talkie said “positive.” Well, now she would have to go to the rescue, because I would have to save up to pay for heartworm treatment, and I didn’t want her to wait that long to get well.

I was relieved and delighted to have been offered the option of treating Snafu through a grant from PetSmart Charities and Sponsor Adoptions, Inc. At no further cost to me, the adopter, Snafu had an appointment for treatment just ten days after I adopted her, at a wonderful clinic right here in town. The veterinarians and staff are competent, professional, kind and considerate. Snafu has successfully completed her treatment and is living a happy, normal life here with her new pug brother. Thank you for helping me give Snafu the life she deserves.

– Ms. LeBoutillier

October 6, 2014
Gizmo is the baby of an avid rescuer, foster, and volunteer! Gizmo, or Gizzy, as her family calls her was attacked by her pack. This was completely out of character for all of the dogs involved. Her owner let them all out in the backyard to play and something was triggered that led to her
July 8, 2014
Back in March a young lady contacted Sponsor Adoptions regarding her puppy Layla. She noticed that she was lethargic, not eating or drinking water, and not playing. We all knew, most likely, this was parvo. She did not qualify for CareCredit and was not financial stable enough to afford the hospitalization of parvo. We sent
July 7, 2014
This is Molly. On the early evening of February 1st, Molly was viciously attacked by a human. I was inside my home when all of a sudden I heard a commotion among my dogs. My husband ran outside to bring the dogs in when he noticed Molly running into the wall repeatedly. He noticed blood
February 26, 2014
“This is our sweet Molly before and after her attack on Saturday February 1st. She was viciously and violently strangled by someone to the point that her right eye came out. She had to have it removed. Her vision in her left eye is very doubtful now but thanks to Sponsor Adoptions Molly will have
February 17, 2014
Juno was rescued from the Prairie Paws Adoption Center in Grand Prairie. Sponsor Adoptions was able to raise funds for her broken leg and sponsored her heartworm treatment. She came home with a broken leg, heartworms, roundworms, pneumonia & doggy influenza. A specialist near Austin performed the leg surgery. We had originally thought that the
January 29, 2013
Chris Bartch took the chance to help save the lives of three puppies that were too young to be saved at the Arlington Animal Services. A litter of nine collies and retriever mixes came into the Arlington shelter back in October of 2012. All of puppies were rescue only as they were six weeks old
January 25, 2013
Silva is a female pit bull terrier mix who is one of several lovable dogs that Joe has a part of his household. Unfortunately, Silva got lost and ended up at the shelter missing her family. Joe found her there and Sponsor Adoptions helped to reunite her with her family and provide some yummy treats. Joe and his family
November 19, 2012
Vicki Gaston has two female cats at her home in Arlington that needed their annual checkups and to be spayed. Vicki, like many Americans, became disabled and lives alone with the minimum to get by. However, she absolutely adores her cats like they are her children and knew they needed their basic veterinary care. Vicki
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